Proclaimed - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 11/11/2022

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Proclaimed.

9 letter answer(s) to proclaimed

  1. announce publicly or officially; "The President declared war"
  2. declared publicly; made widely known; "their announced intentions"; "the newspaper's proclaimed adherence to the government's policy"
  3. foreshadow or presage
  4. give the names of; "He announced the winners of the spelling bee"
  5. make known; make an announcement; "She denoted her feelings clearly"

8 letter answer(s) to proclaimed

  1. announce publicly or officially; "The President declared war"
  2. authorize payments of; "declare dividends"
  3. declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
  4. declared as fact; explicitly stated
  5. designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
  6. made known or openly avowed; "their declared and their covert objectives"; "a declared liberal"
  7. make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official; "Do you have anything to declare?"
  8. proclaim one's support, sympathy, or opinion for or against; "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"
  9. state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
  10. state firmly; "He declared that he was innocent"
  1. foreshadow or presage
  2. greet enthusiastically or joyfully
  3. praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein"
  4. publicly announced; "the royal couple's much heralded world tour"

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