Peruses - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Peruses.

5 letter answer(s) to peruses

  1. audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar' at Stratford this year"
  2. be a student of a certain subject; "She is reading for the bar exam"
  3. have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
  4. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
  5. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
  6. interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
  7. interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal bal

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