Must shift spot of dirt - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 11/01/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Must shift spot of dirt.

4 letter answer(s) to must shift spot of dirt

  1. a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink
  2. affect with smut or mildew, as of a crop such as corn
  3. an offensive or indecent word or phrase
  4. any fungus of the order Ustilaginales
  5. become affected with smut; "the corn smutted and could not be eaten"
  6. creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire
  7. destructive diseases of plants (especially cereal grasses) caused by fungi that produce black powdery masses of spores
  8. make obscene; "This line in the play smuts the entire act"
  9. stain with a dirty substance, such as soot

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