Moving back, not forward - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 08/09/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Moving back, not forward.

8 letter answer(s) to moving back, not forward

  1. break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
  2. cause to be out on a fielding play
  3. cause to get out; "The pitcher retired three batters"; "the runner was put out at third base"
  4. dispose of (something no longer useful or needed); "She finally retired that old coat"
  5. go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
  6. lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
  7. make (someone) retire; "The director was retired after the scandal"
  8. not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl"
  9. of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office; "a retiring member of the board"
  10. prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
  11. pull back or move away or backward;
  12. reluctant to draw

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