It's an honor - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue It's an honor.

4 letter answer(s) to it's an honor

  1. a man who serves as a sailor
  2. a small ball at which players aim in lawn bowling
  3. a small worthless amount; "you don't know jack"
  4. an electrical device consisting of a connector socket designed for the insertion of a plug
  5. any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas
  6. game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks
  7. hunt with a jacklight
  8. immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted
  9. lift with a special device; "jack up the car so you can change the tire"
  10. male donkey
  11. one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince
  12. small flag indicating a ship's nationality
  13. someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
  14. tool for exerting press

3 letter answer(s) to it's an honor

  1. Acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A method to assist in relieving pain through low-voltage electric impulses
  2. one of four playing cards in a deck with ten pips on the face
  3. the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'It's an honor'

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"Taps" hour
"Taps" time
A fourth of what's left?
A number of perfect peopl
A target on the green flag
A, in the hexadecimal num
Actor from 1A 3
Ball and socket
Base kid
Base of the decimal system
Beauty mark?
Bedtime, for some
Big rig
Blackjack card
Blackjack component
Boatman's a knave!
British P.M.'s house numb
Card - raiser
Card below a jack
Card; lifter
Casual time to start work
Common base
Council of ___ (Venetian
Count in a full count
Count on both hands
Countdown start
Court card
Decimal base
Downing Street number
Evening hour
Finger count
First in double figures
Five pairs
Full complement of 41-Acr
Full complement of finger
Full count
Good companion for an ace
Gymnast's dream
Gymnast's goal
Half a score
Hamilton bill
Hamilton is on it
Hamilton's bill
Hamilton's place
Hang out
Heavenly body?
High end of many scales
Highest non-face card
Highest tile value in Scr
Hoist flag
It may be hung on a board
It's perfect
It's taken to calm down
Item in a trunk
Jack's inferior
Jill’s partner? He’s a sailor
Jill's other half?
Judge to support dismissing British sailor
King beater, in pinochle
Knave; raising device
Knockout count
Lacrosse contingent
Lacrosse quorum
Lacrosse team
Large shoe size
Last characters in text indicate uncertain number
Late evening
Lift card
Lifting device
Lifting tool
List complement
Man in suit lifting equipment
Mariner's part of the deck
Mark of perfection
Metric base
Nonscoring baccarat card
Noted Downing Street addr
Number brunette’s holding up
Number incarcerated in frightening penitentiary unintentionally
Number of clues in this p
Number of lords a-leaping
Number of one-voweled, se
Number of sides in a deca
Olympics ideal
One pays for letting American on vacation into camp
Our base system
Pack member’s flag
Pantomime hero, one likely to encounter woods?
Part of a royal flush
Part of a split, perhaps
Part of some straights
Perfect beauty, maybe
Perfect figure
Perfect gymnastics score
Perfect number
Perfect Olympics score
Perfect rating
Perfect score for some sport, with no error recalled
Perfect score in Strictly Come Dancing
Perfection, for some
Perfection, in some sport
Phil Rizzuto's retired nu
Phil Rizzuto, on the Yank
Phone hook-up
Pin number?
Pins or penny preceder
Playing card
Prime-time hour
Q's point value in Scrabb
Quite a few late-night shows
Raise flag
Raise the standard, boy!
Raises idiot healthy eater?
Rare gymnastics score
Rating bowler’s target
Real good-looker
Ring count
Routine perfection?
Rowling receives a first Christmas card
Royal flush card
Royal flush necessity
Sailor Bill opens two consecutive letters
Sailor in old children's TV series, letting off firework
Sailor one associated with bowls?
Sailor playing card
Sailor's flag at sea
Sailor's small white bowl
Sailor, 24 across's companion in ascent
Scale's top, sometimes
Something to take when yo
Sprat or Sparrow?
Standard card
Standard rating
Start of a countdown
Start of the end of a cou
Taps time
Target in bowls
Telephone device
The number at left + 1
Time to play taps
Toe count
Top end of a scale
Top mark
Top of some scales
Top rating, perhaps
Total hottie
Trunk item
Tumbler's dream
Twice five
Two hours before noon
US version of Money for Nothing?
Venice's Council of ___
Wallet bill
Walt Frazier, for the Kni
What a king may be worth
When taps is played
White bowls target
Word signaling the end of
Word that can define 17-
X rating?
X-Men given time to replace leader

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