Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Incompetent.
8 letter answer(s) to incompetent
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands; "a bumbling mechanic"; "a bungling performance"; "ham-handed governmental interference"; "could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature"- Mary H. Vorse
make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
showing lack of skill or aptitude;
spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly; "I bungled it!"
5 letter answer(s) to incompetent
generally incompetent and ineffectual; "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"; "inept handling of the account"
not elegant or graceful in expression;
revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse; "an inept remark"; "it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable"
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