Freed from anxiety - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 02/10/2020

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Freed from anxiety.

8 letter answer(s) to freed from anxiety

  1. (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear
  2. alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive; "relieve the pressure and the stress"; "lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents"
  3. ease or alleviate
  4. extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck"
  5. free from a burden, evil, or distress
  6. free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
  7. grant exemption or release to; "Please excuse me from this class"
  8. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam"
  9. lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"
  10. provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"
  11. provide relief for; "remedy his illness"
  12. relieve oneself of troubling i

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