Fire residue - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 05/09/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fire residue.

3 letter answer(s) to fire residue

  1. A series of test matches in cricket played between England and Australia.
  2. any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus
  3. convert into ashes
  4. strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees; used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats
  5. the residue that remains when something is burned

5 letter answer(s) to fire residue

  1. A series of test matches in cricket played between England and Australia.
  2. any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus
  3. convert into ashes
  4. strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees; used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats
  5. the residue that remains when something is burned

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Fire residue'

"Angela's ___"
"Angela's ___" (1996 best
A quiet wood
A second husband’s remains
A silent butler may hold
A southern hard wood
A tray may hold it
Absolute silence in tree
After ousting leader, party remains
Area that's dry up tree
Arson aftermath
Arson evidence
Barbecue remnants
Baseball bat material
Baseball bat wood
Baseball wood
Bat material
Bat wood
Best seller "Angela's ___
Bit of air pollution
Bit of pollution
Blond shade
Blonde shade
Bone china component
Briquette residue
Burn residue
Burned residue
Burning issue
Burning issue?
Burning result
Burnt remains
Burnt residue
Camel's end?
Campfire remains
Campfire remnant
Carolina ___
Cheroot residue
Chimney output
Cigar leaving
Cigar residue
Cigar tip
Cigar waste
Cigarette debris
Cigarette detritus
Cigarette residue
Cigarette waste
Cigarette's end
Close-grained wood
Combustion product
Combustion residue
Common pollutant
Consequence of smoking?
Contents of some cones
Contents of some urns
Contents of trophy idiot filled with inert gas
Cookout leftover?
Cookout leftovers?
Corona's end
Cremains, e.g.
Cry of pleasure about small tree
Dull shade
End of a flick?
Etna spew
Eyeshadow shade
Fallout after a blast
Fire leftover
Fire proof
Fire proof?
Fire remains
Fire remnant
Fireplace remnants
Fireplace residue
Flue residue
Fly? After initial clearance, leaves from here perhaps
Grate expectations?
Grave matter?
Gray flakes
Gray shade
Grill refuse
Growing or burnt timber
Hair color
Hard wood
Hardwood tree
Has broken wood
Havana residue
Hearth residue
Hearth waste
Hibachi residue
Hot flick?
Industrial pollutant
It buried Herculaneum
It may be cast in a flick
It's a waste
It's all burned up
Key producer playing role of leader in Hollywood
Lenten symbol
Light hair color
Like hard wood
Louisville Slugger wood
Lucky tip?
Memento from an old flame
Memento of an old flame?
Mountain air
Neutral shade
Object of E.P.A. monitori
Olive kin
Olive relative
Pale blond
Pale wood
Parliament output?
Parliament residue
Part of forest fire remains?
Phoenix, formerly
Poisonous substance horse found in wood
Pompeii killer
Powdery evidence
Ready to get rid of cold remnants of fire
Reheats damaged part of wood?
Remains in party after leader goes
Remains of a fire
Remains quiet after answer
Remains quiet after start of accusations
Remains sort of blonde
Remains while chap has series of tests
Result of a fire
Result of a firing
Result of a flare-up?
Result of one who was fired up for a sporting contest?
Rowan, e.g.
Rubbish, burnt out team from 27 making a fast start
Santa spotters?
Shade of blond
Shade of blonde
Shade of gray
Silvery gray
Since 1882, it marks success in tests for trees
Smokestack emission
Smokestack output
Smoking result
So happy at first to find tree
Soda ___
Some remains
Sporting event from which to rise like a phoenix?
Straight-grained wood
Subdued color
Sweep's heap
Sweep's take?
Test matches by striking the first two in jars
The living end?
The mythical tree Yggdras
They may be scattered
They used to be hot stuff
They're worn on the day a
Timber wood
Tip of a Tiparillo, e.g.
Tough wood
Tray filler
Tray residue
Tree always seems huge, first of all
Tree has nuts
Tree house, like on top
Tree inside Chelsea showground
Tree of life, in Norse my
Tree with a winged seed
Tree, or its remains?
Trees and how they finish up in wood-burners?
Variety of tree
Visibly shaken
Volcanic coating
Volcanic emission
Volcanic fallout
Volcanic output
Volcanic spew
Volcano detritus
Volcano output
Volcano spew
Was hesitant, displaying sporting trophy
Was hesitant, displaying this sports trophy
What remains after fool picks up high explosive
What you get from burning a tree
When hot it's put out by volcano
When hot, what 22A may throw out in 7
When husband remains
Whence the phoenix rises
With a hostess improperly chasing the above tennis player, the end is inevitable
Wood equally hard
Wood for oars
Wood imported into Tashkent
Wood remains in fireplace perhaps
Wood, equally hard
Word before and after "to
Word with mountain or fly
Workable wood
___ Lawn (James Monroe's
___ Wednesday

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