Fasten - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 14/06/2023

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fasten.

5 letter answer(s) to fasten

  1. a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form
  2. add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language"
  3. attach or become attached to a stem word; "grammatical morphemes affix to the stem"
  4. attach to; "affix the seal here"

4 letter answer(s) to fasten

  1. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise"
  2. cause to be constipated; "These foods tend to constipate you"
  3. create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
  4. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord; "They tied their victim to the chair"
  5. form a chemical bond with; "The hydrogen binds the oxygen"
  6. Join
  7. make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope; "The Chinese would bind the feet of their women"
  8. provide with a binding; "bind the books in leather"
  9. secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"
  10. something that hinders as if with bonds
  11. stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"
  12. wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose

3 letter answer(s) to fasten

  1. a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in triangular groups of ten as the target
  2. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
  3. a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
  4. a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment
  5. a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things
  6. attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins; "pin the needle to the shirt". "pin the blame on the innocent man"
  7. axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns
  8. Beer barrel of 36 pints capacity
  9. cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown
  10. flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
  11. immobilize a piece
  12. informal terms for the leg; "fever left
  1. (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value
  2. a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied; "he needed a tie for the packages"
  3. a fastener that serves to join or connect; "the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction"
  4. a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating; "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam"
  5. a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England"
  6. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces; "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?"; "Tie the ropes together"; "Link arms"
  7. create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
  8. equality of score in a c

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Fasten'

1-1 or 2-2, e.g.
1-1 score, e.g.
20-20, e.g.
20-20, say
50-50, e.g.
7 up, e.g.
7-up, e.g.
A.T.M. necessity
A.T.M. need
Almost level in cup match
Around November, apply to Unite
ATM card necessity
Attach (to)
Attempt to keep new tie
Attempt to pack new hamper
Attempt to save knight in difficulty
Backgammon impossibility
Bad thing to be in
Baseball rarity
Be all square in match
Beastly prong to have first point missing in moor?
Beginning without skill is a pain
Berth that is set back on the outside
Bind; be equal
Bind; knot
Bit of business attire
Bog down Europe in cant
Bolo, for one
Bowler's target
Bowling target
Broadcast national fixture
Brooch part
Catsup catcher?
Cause for a shootout
Cause for overtime
Cause for sudden death
Common Father's Day gift
Commonly memorized info
Conductor contains transformed current
Contract to dispose of diamonds
Corsage part
Couple, seven of them in Abba's day?
Cravat holder
Cup match
Cup match result before penalty shoot-out?
Cup match that gives inconclusive result
Dash back for fix
Dead heat
Deuce, e.g.
Deuce, in tennis
Distinctive Dilbert featu
Draw a native of Chiengmai, possibly, mentioned in speech
Draw bow, perhaps
Draw flag - that's not right
Draw in cup game
Draw level, almost
Draw level, right away
Draw level? Not quite
Draw neckwear item
Draw something of the old school
Element of bondage session male eschewed
Endless row — inconclusive result
Equal, in a way
Even finish
Even numbers
Even score
Even up
Fan letdown
Fasten to something else
Fasten together
Fastener; skittle
Father's Day gift
Fix geometric ratio with any number
Fix leg
Formal garment
Formal need
Fraternity jewelry
Game over for joint venture
Garment that is used after the end of August
Get even with chap from Bangkok, did you say?
Gift for Dad
Gift from Monica to Bill
Gift in a long, thin box
Green marker?
Haberdashery item
Haberdashery offering
Hem holder
Highway headache
Hint about Brussels business connection
Hold (down)
Hold down flagstick
Holy Communion finally secure
Image on some joke T-shir
Immobilise leg
Inconclusive result
Indecisive end
It is brought up over The End of the Tether
It's frequently punched o
It's just a formality
It's not required for cas
It's often punched on a k
It's unresolved
Item of neckwear
Item with a clip or a pin
Join band, briefly
Link that is attached to end of text
Listen to Asian link
Little point in security number?
Low shoe with a lace
Make a bow
Make a knot
Make equal, as the score
Make even
Make fast
Make one to one, perhaps
Mat coup
Mat victory
Match level, wanting run at the end
Metal fastener
Moor that is below top of tor
Moor that is covered in sheep ...
Neckwear item
Neckwear occasionally striped?
New money
Occasion to forget married bond
Offer to acquire new tie
Olympics souvenir
One to one, e.g.
One to one, for one
One up, e.g.
One with a sticking point
Overtime cause
Peg’s beer not finished
Period in which maiden's removed link
Place for a pin
Place for a tack
Pole needed to use ATM
Potential play prolonger
Rail support
Railroad crossbeam
Rare sports result
Reason for extra innings
Reason for overtime
Reason to prolong play
Regularly removed attire?
Regularly strives to get even
Ribbon holder
Ring ending
Roadbed inset
Secure - connection
Secure floor, right away
Secure link
Secure parking at home
Set up drug and sex game
Share first, e.g.
Situation in which nobody
Spare part?
Structural rod is not quite level
Suit accessory
Third-column stat
Those heading to icy emporium to get gift for Noel?
Tie up
Tie up; annoyance
Tough spot
Tournament match in which there’s no winner?
Track supporter
Traffic jam
Trash bag accessory
Try to accommodate new situation that's annoying
Try to introduce new restraint
Twine regularly used to do this
Unending row creating obligation
Unnecessary accessory wit
Unsatisfying game result
Unsatisfying outcome
Windsor, for one
Word with rolling or bowl
Wrap tightly - nuisance
Wrestler's goal
Wrestler's win
Wrestling win
___ fighter ("Star Wars"

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