Dungeons & Dragons figure - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Dungeons & Dragons figure.

6 letter answer(s) to dungeons & dragons figure

  1. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
  2. Chevalier
  3. originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit
  4. raise (someone) to knighthood; "The Beatles were knighted"

4 letter answer(s) to dungeons & dragons figure

  1. (folklore) a giant who likes to eat human beings
  2. a cruel wicked and inhuman person

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Dungeons & Dragons figure'

"Fee fi fo fum" sayer
"Fee, fi, fo, fum" caller
"Puss in Boots" figure
"The Lord of the Rings" f
A monster - it follows on the way back
About to follow old German monster
Adventurous male philosopher charged with perverted thing by English bishop
Awful sort of revolutionary shot by soldiers
Baddie in Perrault's tale
Big brute
Bishop’s neighbour
Black Prince, say, is reported as something black
Chess piece
Conversational evening, Sir?
Cruel and wicked person
Cruel fairytale giant
Cruel giant
Cruel one
Cruel person
Cruel person, because of what has gone before, returns
Cyclops, perhaps, captured by two Greeks
Damsel distresser
Dark period, we hear, for chivalrous type
Dungeons & Dragons charac
Evil one
Extremely thick to retreat when boxing near champion
Fairy tale meanie
Fairy tale menace
Fairy tale monster
Fairy tale villain
Fairy-tale fiend
Fairy-tale meanie
Fairy-tale menace
Farmer goes around exhibiting beast
Fearsome one
Fearsome type making some progress
Fiend of dreams
Fierce giant
Figure in Magic: The Gath
Figure in Tom Thumb tales
Flesh-eating monster revealed in Progress
Folklore fiend
Folklore meanie
Folklore meany
Folklore monster
Galahad, say
Gawain or Galahad, say
Gawain or Galahad?
Giant blunder on field disheartened Robespierre
Giant conger eel regularly escaping
Giant given to eating humans
Giant in fairy tale therefore turned up
Giant making some progress
Giant rock contains trace of gold
Giant who eats people
Giant who likes to eat humans
Given in to green-eyed monster?
Go green, ringing fearsome individual
Grim-sounding character therefore upset?
Grimm beast
Grimm character
Grimm figure
Grimm villain
Hideous sort
Horrible boss
Horseman on vacation kept trousers within reach
Judge about to imprison German horseman
Judge standing to incarcerate good man
King has a change of heart initially, having to trample over crusader
King taking black chesspiece
King, at the end of the day, is a chess piece
Man in the dark, reportedly
Man nearly detained in Kuwait on vacation
Man's 21A near Thailand
Man-eater's so stuck up
Man-eating giant
Man-eating monster
Mean man
Mean one
Minotaur, e.g.
Monster discovered in bog recently
Monster forgeries displayed regularly
Monster in video green
Monster interrupting progress
Monster involved in rather gory comeback
Monster of a boss?
Monster part accepted by Garbo (Greta)
Monster thus turned up
Monster's so contrary
Monster's therefore rampant
Monstrous creature, so should be retired
Monstrous giant
More than a goblin
Mythical giant
Nasty giant
Nasty sort
Nightmare figure
Nightmarish boss
No friendly fellow
No gentle giant
No Mr. Nice Guy
Old King eaten by old English monster
One considered monstrous is therefore sent back
One may be black or white in dark time, we hear
One may put a damsel in d
One next to a bishop
One who’s dubbed king before the end of the day
Reportedly dark piece
Returned therefore to see Shrek, perhaps
Rising thus: Shrek?
Scary figure
Seen in fog, really hideous monster
Shrek, e.g.
Shrek, for one
Shrek-like monster
Sir Lancelot possibly to consider returning without giant's head
Snake, so to speak
Some retrogressive monster
Sort of thinking lacking in man going overboard
Storybook character
Storybook meanie
Terrible being so upset
The Grinch was one
Think about giving welcome to good man
Tyrannical sort
Unfriendly giant
Unpleasant one
Very nasty sort
Ymir, for one

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