Comparatively corrupt - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Comparatively corrupt.

7 letter answer(s) to comparatively corrupt

  1. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy"
  2. (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency; "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth"
  3. (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear; "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied grey of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair"
  4. contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen
  5. expressing or revealing hostility or dislike; "dirty looks"
  6. obtained illegally or by improper means; "dirty money"; "ill-gotten gains"
  7. soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinder

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