Commenced - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/02/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Commenced.

5 letter answer(s) to commenced

  1. achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative; "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"; "You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"
  2. be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series; "The number `one' begins the sequence"; "A terrible murder begins the novel"; "The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester"
  3. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object; "begin a cigar"; "She started the soup while it was still hot"; "We started physics in 10th grade"
  4. begin to speak or say; "Now listen, friends," he began
  5. begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language; "She began Russian at an early age"; "We started French in fourth grade"
  6. have a beginning characterized in some specified way; "The novel begins with a murder"; "My property beg

7 letter answer(s) to commenced

  1. Began
  2. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object; "begin a cigar"; "She started the soup while it was still hot"; "We started physics in 10th grade"
  3. begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!"
  4. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job; "Take up a position"; "start a new job"
  5. bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"
  6. bulge outward; "His eyes popped"
  7. get going or set in motion; "We simply could not start the engine"; "start up the computer"
  8. get off the ground; "Who started this company?"; "We embarked on an exciting enterprise"; "I start my day with a good breakfast"; "We began the new semester"; "The afternoon session begins at 4 PM"; "The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack"
  9. have a beginning characterized in some specified way; "The novel begins with

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