Climbing plant - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 23/12/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Climbing plant.

13 letter answer(s) to climbing plant

  1. any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having brilliant red or purple flower bracts; widely grown in warm regions

8 letter answer(s) to climbing plant

  1. any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers
  1. climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers

3 letter answer(s) to climbing plant

  1. Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits

5 letter answer(s) to climbing plant

  1. a woody climbing usually tropical plant

4 letter answer(s) to climbing plant

  1. a plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Climbing plant'

A clinging girl?
Arbutus, e.g.
Botanical creeper
Brad brought up a climber
Brown wall covering
Brown, e.g.
Brown, for one
Campus climber
Cat is eating fruit, not on plant
Charming ape chewed plant
Charming king ignored by mountain climber
Climber a pet wees on
Climber in a fix on the ascent
Climber needing a metal spike to get up
Climber putting back a spike
Climber saw Everest regularly when travelling around central Nepal
Climber starting off in vertiginous Yosemite
Climber starting off is very young
Climber wants a spike returned
Climber's claim set to collapse
Climber's cleat is abandoned around mountain top
Climber, one going over sides of valley
Climber, perhaps one following main course to summit, shortly
Climbing flower (2 wds.)
Climbing garden plant - saw tepee
Climbing plant - as I'm Celt
Climbing plant with bright flowers
Climbing plant with colourful flowers
Climbing plant with fragrant flowers
Climbing plant with showy flowers - Islam etc
Climbing plant's perfumed fruit cut back
Climbing vine
Clinging plant
Colourful plant found in Sweden after climate changed
Dartmouth or Brown
Evergreen climber
Evergreen creeper
Evergreen vine
Family round fireplace finding fruit
Flowering plant that clim
Flowering vine
Four years establishing climbing plant
Fragrant climbing plant
Girl returning in May, victorious
Girl that’s fond of climbing walls?
Girl, a climber
Gorilla's swing
Grape place
Grape plant
Historian left out possible poisoner
Historian, no end of social climber
Hollywood cross street
Hollywood crosser

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