Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cheap.
11 letter answer(s) to cheap
7 letter answer(s) to cheap
embarrassingly stingy
of very poor quality; flimsy
(used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip"
13 letter answer(s) to cheap
5 letter answer(s) to cheap
showing signs of wear and tear; "a ratty old overcoat"; "shabby furniture"; "an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains"
tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"
6 letter answer(s) to cheap
cheap and shoddy; "cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob"- Judith Crist
tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"
cheap and inferior; of no value; "rubbishy newspapers that form almost the sole reading of the majority"; "trashy merchandise"
tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"
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