Central point - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 06/01/2022

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Central point.

4 letter answer(s) to central point

  1. a small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near Centaurus
  2. the most important point
  1. the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
  2. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"
  1. Botany. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint.
  2. (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
  3. (botany) the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge
  4. (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
  5. (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
  6. a connecting point at which several lines come together
  7. any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
  8. any thickened enlargement
  9. the source of lymph and lymphocytes

5 letter answer(s) to central point

  1. a central point or locus of an infection in an organism; "the focus of infection"
  2. a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
  3. a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
  4. become focussed or come into focus; "The light focused"
  5. bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions
  6. cause to converge on or toward a central point; "Focus the light on this image"
  7. direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"
  8. maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea; "the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion"
  9. maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system; "in focus"; "out of focus"
  10. put (an image) into focus; "Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie"
  11. special emphasis attached to something; "the stre
  1. a scar where the umbilical cord was attached; "you were not supposed to show your navel on television"; "they argued whether or not Adam had a navel"; "she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton"
  2. the center point or middle of something; "the Incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe"

6 letter answer(s) to central point

  1. at half the distance; at the middle; "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell"
  2. equally distant from the extremes
  3. naval battle of World War II (June 1942); American planes based on land and on carriers decisively defeated a Japanese fleet on its way to invade the Midway Islands
  4. the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located
  1. a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree
  2. an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument

3 letter answer(s) to central point

  1. a small lump or protuberance
  2. a small piece; "a nub of coal"; "a stub of a pencil"
  3. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"
  4. the crux or central point of a matter.

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Central point'

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Article is defending singular argument
Article poses timeless item for debate
Article relative needed for dissertation
At the fifty per cent point
Basic idea
Belly button
Belly part
Botanical joint
Branching point
Bump on a branch
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Centre of attention
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Degree dissertation
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Essence of cake that's rising
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Focal point
Focus of some contemplati
Focus of some gazing
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French are blocking the current proposition
French are blocking the present item in argument
General idea
General sense that a lot of people studying science end with!
Grad student's work
Graduate record?
Growth of new type of poem
Hairstyle swept up into small lump
Half the distance
Having raised some little vandals, this might be contemplated
He sits composing dissertation
Heart of the matter
Idea to pursue
It may be defended by a s
Joint point
Junction point
Key point
Kind of orange
Knot - swelling - knob
Knotty swelling
Long and short of it
Long dissertation
Lymph bump
Lymph ___
Lymphatic part
Main argument
Main emphasis
Main idea
Main point
Main point of government - it's complex
Main topic of attention
Master's requirement, oft
Master's requirement, usu
Maximum clarity of an idea
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Meeting point
Middle of the abdomen
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Most important aspect
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Network intersection
Network terminal
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Northern poem makes a point
Object of contemplation?
Omphaloskepsis focus
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One-inch pencil, say
Only 50 per cent in battle
Orange feature
Orbital point
Origination point
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Part of the body gazed at by those engaged in complacent self-absorption
Pierced body part, someti
Pith, essence
Place for a ride
Point at which several lines come together
Point in a network
Point of intersection
Point on a plant stem from which leaves grow
Point, when American soldier’s on the way
Point: cake’s been brought up
Popular piercing site
Possible explanation for itchier skin's oddly dismissed
Premise of article on MI6
Print union leader, not fit for purpose, making a point
Problem-solving advice ap
Proposition is following article on sun
Prove it!
Retiring televangelist exposes body part
Revising his set subject
Right, what remains in use, not for the first time?
Roll up for the most important part
Scar is sort of orange
Signal before entrance to every junction
Sit back, holding ambassador’s paper
Statement from UK spying agency
Stay up penning the man's dissertation
Stem joint
Substance, general meaning
The crux of marrying is trust
The heart of the matter
The way to follow soldier's point
Think hard
This may be contemplated
Tie finally put on to twist and knot
Troops abroad finally intercept import
Try hard to visualize
Two cardinals appear in this work
Unprofitable bottling bit of vodka, on reflection, producing depression
Unproved statement in article, relative
Unproved statement put forward as an argument
Vital point
What something anomphalou
What's the last part of studies?
Where the umbilical cord was once attached
Which letter is doubled in dissertation?
Why maiden comes to make most important point?
Writing that needs defend
Zero in (on)

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