Burden - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 14/01/2025

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Burden.

4 letter answer(s) to burden

  1. an obligation to pay or do something
  2. money or goods or services owed by one person to another
  3. the state of owing something (especially money); "he is badly in debt"
  1. a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
  2. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time; "the system broke down under excessive loads"
  3. an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate; "he got a load on and started a brawl"
  4. an onerous or difficult concern; "the burden of responsibility"; "that's a load off my mind"
  5. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor"
  6. electrical device to which electrical power is delivered
  7. fill or place a load on; "load a car"; "load the truck with hay"
  8. goods carried by a large vehicle
  9. provide (a device) with something necessary; "He loaded his gun carefully"; "load the camera"
  10. put (something) on a structure or conveyance; "load the bags onto the trucks"
  11. the front part of a guided missi
  1. an onerous or difficult concern; "the burden of responsibility"; "that's a load off my mind"
  1. a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
  2. a pair of draft animals joined by a yoke; "pulled by a yoke of oxen"
  3. an oppressive power; "under the yoke of a tyrant"; "they threw off the yoke of domination"
  4. become joined or linked together
  5. fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
  6. link with or as with a yoke; "yoke the oxen together"
  7. put a yoke on or join with a yoke; "Yoke the draft horses together"
  8. stable gear that joins two draft animals at the neck so they can work together as a team
  9. support consisting of a wooden frame across the shoulders that enables a person to carry buckets hanging from each end
  10. two items of the same kind

6 letter answer(s) to burden

  1. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)
  2. a piece of leather across the instep of a shoe
  3. a seat for the rider of a bicycle
  4. a seat for the rider of a horse or camel
  5. cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins
  6. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to; "He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend"
  7. load or burden; encumber; "he saddled me with that heavy responsibility"
  8. posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl
  9. put a saddle on; "saddle the horses"
  1. (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance
  2. a system of units used to express the weight of something
  3. a unit used to measure weight; "he placed two weights in the scale pan"
  4. an artifact that is heavy
  5. an oppressive feeling of heavy force; "bowed down by the weight of responsibility"
  6. present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"
  7. sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting; it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
  8. the relative importance granted to something; "his opinion carries great weight"; "the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed"
  9. the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
  10. weight down with a load
  11. what a person weights.

3 letter answer(s) to burden

  1. charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
  2. levy
  3. levy a tax on; "The State taxes alcohol heavily"; "Clothing is not taxed in our state"
  4. make a charge against or accuse; "They taxed him failure to appear in court"
  5. set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
  6. use to the limit; "you are taxing my patience"

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Burden'

"Get a ___ of that!"
"That's a ___ off my mind
Albatross, figuratively
Amount of work
Amount owed
Balance due
Balance sheet item
Bankruptcy cause
Basketful, say
Bicycle seat
Big burden
Bill's in bed - rising temperature
Borrower's burden
Boston Tea Party issue
Both burden and support for rider
Bottom place on top of a mount
Boy with nothing to eat in pack
Brawn won over rowing team
British shirking extra responsibility
Bulk of western rowing crew
Burden — and where it might fall
Burden - responsibility
Burden borne by Trump's nation
Burden is nothing when carried by boy
Burden of proof
Burden of responsibility
Burden supported by America
Burden, duty
Burden, responsibility
Burden; cargo
Card balance
Cardholder's problem
Cardholder's woe
Cargo; burden
Cash register calculation
Cause for Chapter 11
Chapter 11 concern
Chapter 11 issue
Charge boy that hides heart of stone
Charge round interrupting 19
Charger's acquisition
Cigarettes have it
Clout face of worrisome figure
Common add-on
Corporate concern
Corporate woe
Cost increaser
Couch returned before time for money to be paid
Couple in slavery
Coupling device
Creation from plastic?
Credit card balance, e.g.
Credit card bills, e.g.
Credit's opposite
Cross to bear
Deferring onset of intelligence implies responsibility
Device for a plow team
Difficult burden
Does extensive borrowing tend primarily to create it?
Duke and daughter occupy Manchester town land
Duty — and where so often it seems to lie?
Duty in paper round to turn up
Duty, and where it often lies?
Every now and then Manx cat's tail begins to stretch
Extra cash, not British, becomes burden
Extra money's not Britain's responsibility
Farm link
Feeling of oppression; heaviness
Figure in red
Fill the chambers, say
First spent, extra cash for duty
First time out, useless opener dismissed — a liability?
Get ready to ride, with "
Good thing to be sheltere
Government worry
Hang about for hearing, having influence
Harness for oxen
Harness part
Heap (on)
Heavy burden
Heavy duty
Heavy load
Heavy weight
Hitch, as oxen
I.R.S.'s share
Impose a task on - assign responsibility for
In the end, ask wife to try kinky bondage
Influence figure supporting wife
It can hold a team togeth
It may be outstanding
It may be something of gr
It's carried on the shoul
It's not good when it's o
It's outstanding
It's run up by girl coming out close to midnight
Kind of shelter
Lamb joint
Laundry unit
Leader ditched extra responsibility
Leaving university, coming out with this?
Line on a cash register r
Line on a receipt
Load of oxygen: setter coming round
Load of women with a curvy figure
Load to bear
Make heavy demands on
Maybe stone or white rocks round gulf
Money owed
Money owed or due
Mutual fund charge
Mutual fund fee
National ___
No introduction of an extra burden
Nothing before dawn, say, is a burden
Obligation - charge
Obligation, in court
Old criminal carrying a burden
Old newspaper put up charge
Old star making comeback is a liability
One placed on a team
One way to ride a horse
Order to a cowboy, with "
Oxen connector
Oxen holder
Oxen's harness
Pay cut
Pound, for example
Press hard on
Price add-on
Purchase price addition
Push to the limit
Put a strain on
Put film into
Put into memory
Put shells in
Ready to be fired
Reason for imprisonment,
Red ink
Responsibility — and where ours lies
Responsibility courtesy of you and me
Responsibility of bachelor abandoning extra benefit
Responsibility of working American
Responsibility of working with the Independent
Responsibility of working with United States
Responsibility ours?
Responsibility towards me
Responsibility with respect to America
Result of some sprees
Rider's seat
Scale reading
See 1
See 11
Shipping concern
Significance of delay in speech
Sit on it
Something borne
Something outstanding that nobody wants?
Something owed
Start, after leaving university, with this?
Stick a shell in
Stone or kilogram, say
Stuff youngster carries round
Swain embraces love a lot
Team need
Ton of bricks, e.g.
Tungsten cube's mass
Unhappy daughter has extremely large burden
Unhappy exhausted delegate carrying large burden
Unhappy waiting around, I dropped hamper
Unpaid bill
Unpaid debt, e.g.
Unpleasant task
Unwelcome work
Upended garden feature over time becomes liability
Washer/dryer unit
We are responsible for this load
Weigh down
Weight or freight
What a marker indicates
What an assessor assesses
What could be seen as our responsibility?
What shoppers may go into
What's due
What's due is due, but that's totally heartless
What's owing
Whites or colors, e.g.
Whites or darks, e.g.
Whites or darks, say
With eschewing personal benefit, no energy for task
Wood joining draught oxen
Word after sales or incom
Word before shoe or soap
You may get into it while
You're strapped when you'
___ of gratitude
___ of honor
___ probandi
___ probandi (burden of p

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