Break up - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Break up.

12 letter answer(s) to break up

  1. break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"
  2. cause to undergo fission or lose particles
  3. lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; "the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process"

8 letter answer(s) to break up

  1. (film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out
  2. become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"
  3. become weaker; "The sound faded out"
  4. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up; "The decree officially dissolved the marriage"; "the judge dissolved the tobacco company"
  5. cause to fade away; "dissolve a shot or a picture"
  6. cause to go into a solution; "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"
  7. cause to lose control emotionally; "The news dissolved her into tears"
  8. come to an end; "Their marriage dissolved"; "The tobacco monopoly broke up"
  9. declare void;
  10. lose control emotionally; "She dissolved into te

4 letter answer(s) to break up

  1. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle"
  2. a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
  3. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
  4. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group;
  5. come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
  6. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways;
  7. force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
  8. go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
  9. in part; in some degree; not wholly; "I felt partly to blame"; "He was partially paralyzed"
  10. leave; "The family took off for Florida"
  11. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole;

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