Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Authentic.
6 letter answer(s) to authentic
being or existing at the present moment; "the ship's actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West"
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"
existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced"
presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different"; "actual and imagined conditions"
taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated; "we saw the actual wedding on television"; "filmed the actual beating"
4 letter answer(s) to authentic
not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"
(of property) fixed or immovable; "real property consists of land and buildings"
an old small silver Spanish coin
any rational or irrational number
being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"
capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor"
coinciding with reality; "perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception"- F.A.Olafson
having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary;
no less than what is stated; worthy of the name; "the real reason";
accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true"
accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target"
as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class"
conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"
consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them"
expressing or given to expressing the truth; "a true statement"; "gave truthful testimony"; "a truthful person"
having a legally established claim;
7 letter answer(s) to authentic
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"
not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"
not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed; "genuine emotion"; "her interest in people was unfeigned"; "true grief"
14 letter answer(s) to authentic
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