Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Atypical.
8 letter answer(s) to atypical
departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality"
much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition"
not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food"
9 letter answer(s) to atypical
(of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"
(of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement
(used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare"
a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment
contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; "irregular hiring practices"
deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal; "these days large families are atypical"; "atypical clinical findings"; "atypical pneumonia"; "highly irregular behavior"
falling below the manufacturer's standard; "irregular jeans"
independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians"
lacking contin
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