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27th July 2010, 17:03
Hi Karen - depends on how popular your surname is, altho' I can't see too many people with the same name, living in THAT county and doing the RT crossword....
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nimrod (from cheshire)

27th July 2010, 18:24
Jim C - GROAN!!!
Oh dear, the Cheshire thing will continue to run!
Philip, how can you not like a county that has given us bulk chemicals, including rock salt in winter, silk, cheese, the circle of canals, potatoes, the Cheshire wiches - yes spelt correctly and nothing to do with MacBeth - and a big smiley cat??
As for money, if you've got it, whatever currency it is, we'll have it!!
Enjoy your stay in the County of Chester as we call it!!
Only just picked up the RT as have been busy in the garden for most of the day. Some clues look a bit feeble and poorly constructed.
Rather sad to hear of the "Answer" website. Definitely one to avoid. Even sadder to hear that at 6.59am somebody was asking for answers. Let's hope that they don't win!!
Now down to business.
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27th July 2010, 18:37

On your list of things that Cheshire has given the world you forgot the genius crossword solvers whom are extreemly modest
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27th July 2010, 19:06
Helena, sorry, modesty forbids that I mention the name Caravaggio!
Philip, you did mention something about a lower price for the RT in the last thread. Well, I think we are owed a refund for these clues. Either that or we shoot the compiler!! Some really terrible and weak clues this week. I have just struggled and cracked 3d & 19d. Only 5d and a couple of others remain to be sorted!It's going to take a bit longer this week.
However,I do like 6a & 24a. The latter took me back to my Geography Field Trip days many years ago. Funny, how you remember these things.
Tomorrow at Chester, Philip, will you be the one with the Cheshire rose and a completed copy of the RT???
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27th July 2010, 19:49
Good evening all and my apologies for my late arrival; like Nimrod, I've been out in the garden. May I ask for your assistance please? If the answer to 19d is [and I'm sorry but I'll have to give the answer] plaid what is the actual construct? Enjoy your trip to Chester, Philip, and, if you get the opportunity, do visit the Grosvenor Museum.
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27th July 2010, 20:32

I think the construction for 19d is
Profit by hoarding =paid
plus the L from lost

Pretty pathetic

I can think of dozens`of clues using the word "laid", but then perhaps not for the RT

Just one final one for those of you in Cheshire. Will I need to bring trinkets and sweets to pacify the natives, or are they friendly? Also how many cronies are there to the pound?

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27th July 2010, 20:55
Hi everyone.

Could 19d be PLAID from P = profit + LAID in the sense of laid aside = hoarded (laid down like a bottle of fine wine?)
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27th July 2010, 21:16
Hi Carole

I thought of that but then could not see the relevance of the word "lost".
When people come up with different explanations it shows what a rubbish clue it is
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27th July 2010, 21:18
On looking at it again, the word hoarding seems to indicate that the L is hidden in the word
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27th July 2010, 22:06
Hi Philip & Carole,

Yes, you've confirmed my worst fears! L within paid. That has to be one of the worst constructs ever from this compiler...

Philip, when you're within the City Walls, the rate of exchange alters so always use the Bureaux de Change to be on the safe side.


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