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12th November 2010, 11:46
91 anagram of a man wince = author = book title

49 anagram of hairy task

15 anagram of in bad a = conference
371 of 373  -   Report This Post


24th November 2010, 10:55
Please help! I have messed about trying to find anagrams for "hairy task" (#49) and "protect a" (#33) for ages and I am getting nothing!

Help, please please.
372 of 373  -   Report This Post


24th November 2010, 12:47
hairy task is an anagram of.....kshatriya. which is a sort of hindu warrior.

protect a is an anagram of.....attercop. which is a spider or ill-tempered person.

Don't know whether this helps or not, but they do start or end with A.
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