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3rd November 2011, 17:49
Hi everyone, I only got my RT today. I too got stuck on th Joey whatsisname one, so thanks for the answer to that.
Sorry to hear that Navigator is having a tough time and hope you respond well to your treatment very soon. Also get well wishes to Old gal and Pipesmoker. Plus anyone else who is not feeling too good. :)
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3rd November 2011, 20:37
Good evening to you all,

I'm particularly pleased to see contributions this week from Old Gal, Pipesmoker and Navigator and your bravery in the face of adversity is a lesson to us all.

You won't be needing any assistance from me because all the issues have been covered and isn't it pleasing to see how our little gathering has swelled in recent weeks?

Jazz Girl:

I love Dave Brubeck now, although I wasn't particularly impressed when 'Take Five' was first issued. How my tastes in music have changed... I have always been an aficionado of drummers - the likes of Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa and Dave Brubeck's drummer, Joe Morello. Anyone thinks that they can be drummer but, realistically, there are few of us who can keep time like a metronome so may I recommend that you listen to 'Unsquare Dance'. Brubeck tries to put off Morello by changing the time signature, while the recording's being made, and, if you hear the original version, you'll hear Morello's guffaw at the end because he's not been distracted.

With best wishes to you all,


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3rd November 2011, 21:15
All the best to Navigator, Pipesmoker and old gal, glad you're still finding time to keep in touch.
Mrs Trellis, I have an added complication as my trip to Mornington Crescent, I have to include the New Street deviation (sometimes known as Oddie Rules).
As for Brubeck, wasn't Unsquare Dance in 5/4 time to make it impossible to dance to?
Does a square dancer make sleepy bread out of a dozey dough?
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3rd November 2011, 22:00
Hello caravaggio
I just have to send you this link.This is my 2nd cousin (My dad's 1st cousin)He mentions Joe Morello in this article. I am very proud of him. Although he is now 77, he is still going strong and even flew to Brazil to appear in the Batuka drumfest this last July.
I will have a look at the youtube later.
I may dig out my Brubeck EP to see if it still works !
Bees, yes 5/4 . I've never tried dancing to it, but I have done square-dancing !

and Pipesmoker, I wish you all the best for your visit to the 5-star Hotel next week. Hope it goes well and try not to get locked out !

Best wishes

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3rd November 2011, 22:28

I apologise for addressing you incorrectly previously because I found I'd sawed you in half if you see what I mean... I found that very interesting and thank you for taking the trouble to provide the link. By the way, isn't it past your bedtime?


You're right that it's a very unusual time signature but try this:

and all will be revealed...

Sweet dreams!


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3rd November 2011, 22:40
If it's past my bedtime, then it must be past yours too!
I am not usually up this late, but have been chatting to my Australian cousins as it's Friday morning there and it's my young nephew's birthday.
Sorry about the article being hard to read, being white on blue. But there are numerous others if you google.
Just found the EP. It has Blue rondo a la turk on the reverse. Had forgotten that one.
Off to the land of nod now. Zzzzzz
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5th November 2011, 10:07
Navigator - so pleased to read your contribution and glad to know you have been following these threads. Keep up the good work of getting well. Hopefully the blood transfusion will make you feel better. Likewise to O.Gal and Pipesmoker keep up your good work of getting well.
See you all next week.
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