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24th July 2011, 11:17
Yestre’en, having put the children out for the night, and tucked the cat snugly up in bed, I sat in mellow mood, smoking my favourite pipe and sipping a glass of neat Irn Bru (not diluted with whisky or any such). I reflected upon my good fortune, and the many assets I have gained throughout my life.

I pondered my education, provided by the tax payer, and how it had served me over the years. How often has that O Level Arithmetic, gained in 1964, been of great value to me! The time has come, methought, to put something back into Society. So it was, I resolved to establish the Ancient Society of Haverers.

Haverers are people like me, who when faced with a gap in conversation, have a compulsion to fill that gap, with whatever comes to mind. So it is that my O Level Arithmetic has enabled me to announce to an unsuspecting audience, that the formula for finding the area of a triangle is half base times altitude, or that it will take fifty minutes to fill a fifty gallon tank, if the rate of flow is one gallon per minute. In moments of desperation, I have even announced that Farenheit and Celsius scales meet at minus forty degrees.

If you are similarly encumbered, perhaps you would like to join the Society. Educational qualifications are not important, although it is anticipated that anyone having already attained the status of Village Idiot, will quickly rise to high office within the Society. Members will be entitled to use the post nominal letters, A.S.O.H. There will be no regalia or unusual handshakes, but it is recommended that members write the letters. A.S.O.H. on a piece of sticky back paper, and adhere this to the forehead, one centimetre above the left eye, so that one A.S.O.H. may easily recognise another, when they meet in the street. They may then exchange inanities until one or other must rush for a bus, or drops dead, whichever is the sooner.

Virtual Society Meetings will be held via home computer, when we will start by standing rigidly to attention and singing the Society’s anthem, Paddy McGinty’s Goat. There will then be an opportunity to discuss our successes and failings in the realm of havering. The meeting will be drawn to a close by my solo rendition of Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me, I Think I’ll Go And Eat Worms.

If you have been moved by this plea, and would like to join, please write a letter of application and post it to yourself. Membership is free, and is open to vegetarians and carnivores alike.

Thank you.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

24th July 2011, 11:45
I have nominated myself as a member, seconded myself, and have now welcomed myself into the ASOH. I would like to thank myself for the honour of inviting me to join, and vow to haver away ad infinitum et ad nauseum!
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24th July 2011, 11:59
I thank you for this kind invitation Mr. P, which I accept with alacrity!

I now consider myself to be a fully-fledged paid-up Member of A.S.O.H.

Perhaps sallw will join me in a rendition of For He's a Jolly Good Fellow?

Altogether now....

Kind regards

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dick i

24th July 2011, 11:59
I would love to join but I fear that my havering ability is too poor. I find that gaps in a conversation become long silences! However I also smoke a pipe so I might qualify after all.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

24th July 2011, 12:11
Dick l maybe you could be an Associate of the Ancient Society of Haverers.
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24th July 2011, 12:43
Okay, before I submit my letter of application I'll need the words of Paddy McGinty's Goat. There's no way I'm falling for that one, standing to attention for the anthem without knowing how it goes. My name's not John Redwood.
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angie q

24th July 2011, 12:50
I submit my application to become a member of ASOH. My only qualification (given by myself - to myself) to support this is that I can juggle soot and knit fog.
Thank you for your consideration in accepting this application.
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the joker

24th July 2011, 12:52
What a great idea and I was about to initiate myself into the brotherhood,when I noticed that it probably contravenes the Race Relations Act.

The choice of the mandatory BLACK paper appears to act against certain nationalities,as it would not be instantly seen by other other ASOHs.

Perhaps you could call a Consistory when all the ASOHs could haver for a few days in an endeavour to re-select the colour of the paper.I have given this matter a lot of thought and have rejected white,brown and yellow,and have come to the conclusion that the paper would have to incorporate lines,stripes etc. of different colours.
Perhaps the answer lies in it being tartan,but this may upset some who live south of the border.

I await your comments,along with those of other ASOHs on this vital matter.
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24th July 2011, 13:18
Reading between the lines, I think I second the worry re tartan. What about a green paper?
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

24th July 2011, 13:19
I thought about camouflage paper, but I couldn't see it working!
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