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disgusted of tunbridge wells

10th June 2011, 16:46
I do hope that it's one of our number that wins.
Post 225 of 240

The hypocrisy of that statement is staggering. None of you deserve to win. You are a bunch of cheats.
If you had any honour you would decline to send in your entry so improving the chance of someone who does deserve to win. Someone who has done it themself.
241 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 17:16
D of T B - are you Wetblanket in disguise? Why bother coming on here if all you want to do is criticise? I am sure you could find some pleasure elsewhere.
242 of 339  -   Report This Post

disgusted of tunbridge wells

10th June 2011, 17:55
I note that you do not disagree with what I said. I repeat, you are a bunch of cheats.
243 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 18:04
I should like to point out to Disgusted of Kent that a little matter of grammatical inconsistency (someone / them self)could be avoided by reading some of the spirited but generally syntactically correct notes. A good, honest crossword solver should pay attention also to this (people in glasshouses maybe...)

244 of 339  -   Report This Post

disgusted of tunbridge wells

10th June 2011, 18:43
Another one who would rather nitpick than respond to what I said. I repeat, you are a bunch of cheats.
245 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 18:57
What is cheating? Is it consulting a dictionary? Is it looking up various references in tomes innumerable? Is it checking or confirming information on the net? Is it learning from those who can impart knowledge? Are we born with the ability to complete puzzles without first learning from one source or another? If the answer to any of these is yes, we (you and I) are all cheats.
246 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 19:13
A perfectly good, entertaining thread spoiled once again by someone with nothing better to do than carp. As it says in the Bible "let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I suspect that Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells has NEVER done anything that would sully their whiter-than-whiter soul - NOT!
247 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 19:31
I'll speak very slowly DOTB.
You are on what is called the Internet. It is full of facts and information and people telling each other things. It is the modern way to learn and to speak to people across the world. It is really catching on. You are using it. You are using it to call people who use it cheats.
248 of 339  -   Report This Post

disgusted of tunbridge wells

10th June 2011, 19:50
You can't get the answer from the published clue. No need to do your own research,etc. ask on here. Some buffoon will give you additional pointers until you do get it.
That does NOT mean that YOU have solved the original puzzle. That's why trying to claim the prize is cheating. Why not congratulate yourselves on solving it between you and leave the prize to someone who deserves it.
249 of 339  -   Report This Post


10th June 2011, 19:53
Blah! Blah! Blah! What exactly entitles you to be the self-appointed upholder of morality? If this site offends you then go somewhere else!
250 of 339  -   Report This Post
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