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1st November 2010, 22:09
Yes, very clever. Wish I'd read the destructions a bit more carefully! Thursday's Spectator is the next challenge!
31 of 67  -   Report This Post


1st November 2010, 22:14
Hello Clevertask - It seems to me that the instructions never make much sense until you've actually got a few answers, and come to know the puzzle, as it were.
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1st November 2010, 22:25
Yes, AJT, you're quite right, I just get a bit frustrated at my own stupidity! Bit like those exams years ago where you didn't read the question properly!
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1st November 2010, 23:05
Hi all.

Re 20d - 'link' - 24ac - 'link' - 21d
The preamble states:
Their (ie the 6-letter solutions to go in the grid) clues refer partly to their own solution and partly to either neighbouring (concealed) link. Nb 'either' neighbouring link.
So I thought that the clues for 20d & 24ac both referred to the same 'link' - one 'forward'/ one 'backward' as it were.
'Give up work' & 'depart' can both define this 'link' word. This would mean the 'link' between 24ac & 21d is not referred to in a clue. Seems odd that this is the only one but I reckon the surface readings of:
'Give up work search' & 'Depart in peace' were too good to miss.
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1st November 2010, 23:10
It isn't an exception - I explained it in an earlier post. Each of the 6-lettered clues has perfect symmetry with a clue to both inserted and concealed words, and of course the front/back half of one is found in the other. There is no actual need to link to other clues except in forming the chain.
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1st November 2010, 23:22
Hi JS - Clevertasks explanation seems to me to clear up the anomaly nicely
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1st November 2010, 23:26
I've managed to finish it all, except for 5A and 22A, both of which I think I have solved. However, the first ends L-S and the second begins S-R.

The only possible ends to the chain I have (presumably this is not a circle) are the above two and 2D, which I have solved, ending -O-.
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1st November 2010, 23:27
Unless it's a chained circle, there must be an undivided word at each end, surely?
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1st November 2010, 23:28
Forget it. I've just worked out what Jane's school is, and it all falls into place.

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1st November 2010, 23:29
The preamble makes it clear is is an endless chain ie travel/mantra
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