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jack aubrey

3rd October 2023, 16:13
Colin, I think the clue makes sense (and is actually quite clever and fun) if you read “Frank” as the first name of an author.
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3rd October 2023, 17:22
Looking for some help: I've solved all but 3 clues (or at least I think I have!) meaning I have 5 empty entries (accounting for the 2 unclued 10,9 from the rubric). My remaining ones are:
"Cold air conditioning ..."
"Cook lit the square ..."
"Slug turned..."

I've entered in all of my clues that I've solved. My unsolved entries are all left in the upper left quadrant (is that right?). They imply the unclued 10 letter entry is in the top left quadrant and ends in an "I"? The crosser giving the "I" is the solution to the "Jackie wisely..." clue which I must have correct, surely. Unless I've messed up the grid entries, of course!
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jack aubrey

3rd October 2023, 17:33
Boson, nudges in order of your post:

French sounding term, originally from Haiti
Yiddish term for community
Slug is the definition, could also have been “beer”

Both unclueds end in “i”. Memories of childhood?
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3rd October 2023, 17:34
Boson, yes, it looks like you are correct. All those are in the upper left and that ten letter word does (surprisingly) end in an I !
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3rd October 2023, 17:37
HI Boson,

All your reasoning seems sound.

Cold air .... - 3 1 letter abbreviations + 6 letter "annoys" minus extra letter - definition is last 4 words.

Cook lit ... - anagram/'cook' - definition is a very odd looking word meaning "Jewish community"

Slug ... - 3 letter "clumsily grope" reversed/'turned' goes around/'entertaining' 4 letter "toy" - definition is "slug" (as a verb(
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3rd October 2023, 17:42
Thanks all! All done now...
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3rd October 2023, 20:58
I think I've finished after a bit of a struggle - especially when we were several clues short.

Could someone explain "Groom's outside etc" please. I've got what must be the answer but can't fathom the reasoning.

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3rd October 2023, 21:08
Groom’s gives you a five letter word (one letter of which is superfluous) around two letters ‘church’ and one letter ‘soprano’
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3rd October 2023, 21:11
I have a full grid but have a small query on why A = QI in the 4-letter answer I have for queen
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3rd October 2023, 21:14
Came to this late this month after the missing clues had been reinstated. Full of admiration for those who were successful nonetheless! Very encouraging to see the (new?) compiler engaging.
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