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26th May 2018, 21:05
Hi, Rusty!
I can understand your being proud of your achievement!
I remember winning a celebratory crown coin of the Queen... presented in a dark green box...when I was but a small child!
I had entered a colouring competition.
I was very proud of myself!
It was the fact that this had been achieved by all my own work!
And yes, I think you are right in saying that there was a greater sense of achievement after completing a crossword by using reference books.......than by using Google!
I could never send in a crossword entry, though, had I asked an "outsider" (like on here) for help....using reference books /Google is one thing...asking some one else for an answer is quite another!
I am always puzzled by the folk on the Forum who feverishly ask for answers, so they can post off their entries!
I couldn't do that, as it wouldn't be "all my own work"!
Oops! I have just realised have missed most of BGT...
I shall record it tomorrow instead!

Hello, Ros!
Wow, that's a bit scary!
Red kites are quite large birds. aren't they?
Didn't they used to be regarded as vermin?
I think I read that somewhere?
21161 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th May 2018, 21:48
Hello, Elle!
I've been watching the football on TV.
The Liverpool goalie is not very good!
I grew up in "puzzle land" in a non-computer age, and I suppose there are loads of folk on the forum who did not, and never experienced the satisfaction of nailing a puzzle through their own efforts.
But, that's not a criticism of them, just the way it was for us.
There do appear to be a number who still send in entries though.
I would not dream of it, nowadays.
I am recording the Diamond League in Eugene, then BGT.
Hope it works!
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26th May 2018, 22:17
Hi, Rusty!
I haven't watched any television this evening.
I have been reading.
I am recording "Casualty", which I usually watch later in the week.
I have set the reorder for the Diamond League Highlights tomorrow - and now for BGT - because we are spending the day with our younger daughter and family.
The original plan was for us to go over there.......but the weather forecast is very bad...... thunderstorms are predicted for all the day.
Our dog is terrified of thunder, so it would be unkind to leave her here alone.
Consequently, our daughter, son-in -law, and the two boys are coming to us instead.
A sensible alternative, I think?
Whether we make it out for our early morning walk will depend on the thunder!
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27th May 2018, 07:04
Good morning, Elle!
Another smashing morning here!
Been a fine few days of sunshine here,
No sign of chick 3 yet.
I am heading out later with Miss La Bamba.
She texted to me last night, so that's fine.
Hope you have a good time with your family!
21164 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th May 2018, 07:20
Hope you both have a good time with your families, elle and rusty.

Red Kites apparently have a wing span of nearly 6 feet, elle! They really are scary. They were hunted almost to extincton by the Victorians who regarded them as vermin, as we will one day. In some places people can't eat in their gardens or hang washing out (I've read they take things from lines but not sure I believe that). Food in bags left out for the council to collect attracts them, esp if already opened by a fox. Also those who feed them, though specifically asked not to.

I've just bought some prickly matting to bury where local cats use my garden as a loo. Also another sonic device. But you can't weed the area you have the prickles, of course.
21165 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th May 2018, 08:21
Good morning, Rusty!
Our thunderstorms started just on midnight!
The poor dog was terrified - she was shaking like a leaf!
She spent the night lying on the bed, between us.
The cat, completely unfazed , lay on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, as he often does.
All is quiet at present, but the sky is very heavy and I fear there are more storms ahead....
I had difficulty persuading the dog into the garden earlier.
We shall definitely not be attempting a walk this morning!
The family will be arriving about lunch time.... so I shall have time to look at the crosswords......
You are doing well for outings!
Are you and Miss L-B going to the Pine Cone again?

Thank you, Ros!
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing everyone....they should be here around lunchtime.
I had no idea that kites were as huge as that!
I wouldn't argue with one about giving up my rasher of bacon!
Are you seeing your family today?
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27th May 2018, 09:00
Hello, Elle!
Let's hope the forecast thunderstorms are not as bad as they say.
A pity doggie is so frightened.
The forecast for up here is fine weather for the next week, anyway.
This is my puzzle-free day!
Miss La Bamba is the boss, so she shall decide where we go, though she really likes the Pine Cone.
The waitresses are mostly schoolgirls and are good "craic"!
They are all doing exams just now, and we get all the stories from them!
Before that I'll see if I can find young Dr Muir's race, and BGT.
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27th May 2018, 09:06
After the theft, one of the family stood guard over the BBQ and waved their arms every time a kite appeared!
Saw the family yesterday, thanks elle. My son did loads of things I can't do myself, like cut the top of the hedge, remove some tree roots and two stumps, carry some nets full of split logs. As he said, sons have to be useful for something! I shall make him his favourite cake to take to work on Tuesday and they all had a good lunch here. I am still clearing up!
Today I am doing some planting. Have you got the board games out or are you going outside? The thunder and lighting and rain here last night was tremendous. All my plants about to flower seem OK- delphiniums, lupins etc. I was sure they'd be mush in spite of being staked.
21168 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th May 2018, 09:50
Hi, Rusty!
Well...... “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley”, as Robbie Burns once said.
We have been stood up!
Actually , it is not quite as it sounds.........
My daughter phoned just before 9 am to say that she woke up with the "sniffles"! we have to try to keep my husband free from possible infection - especially colds and coughs - they have decided to postpone their visit till next weekend.
Disappointing, but, of course , sensible!
So we reluctantly have a free day ahead of us!
Maybe we can get the dog out between thundery showers?
We shall see what the afternoon brings!
One blessing......I can watch the Diamond League!

Nothing goes to plan, Ros !
Today's family visit is postponed till next weekend, as our daughter has a cold brewing!
Never mind.......the weather may be better by then.
Stormy here, has been going on since midnight !
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27th May 2018, 10:13
Oh dear, elle, that is sad. But not unusual. Did you have a lot of food prepared?

I am off to a garden centre to nose around and have my free coffee!
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