Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1816 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A fellow adventurer.
  1. noun - language or humor that is down-to-earth; "the saltiness of their language was inappropriate"; "self-parody and saltiness riddled their core genre"
  2. looseness or roughness in texture (as of cloth)
  3. the quality of being composed of relatively large particles
  4. the quality of lacking taste and refinement
  1. verb - pave with cobblestones
  1. noun - pave with cobblestones
  2. rectangular paving stone with curved top; once used to make roads
  1. - Same as Cockaleekie.
  1. noun - a small light flimsy boat
  1. noun - a defendant who has been joined together with one or more other defendants in a single action
  1. noun - equality of extension or duration
Coffee Berry
  1. noun - a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee
Coffee Break
  1. noun - a snack taken during a break in the work day; "a ten-minute coffee break"; "the British have tea breaks"