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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - Yvette Coppersmith (born 1980) is an Australian painter; she specialises in portraiture and still life. In 2018 she won the Archibald Prize with a self-portrait, in the style of George Lambert.
  1. unknown - Without fault
  1. - The act of abalienating; alienation; estrangement.
  1. noun - a gradually increasing tempo of music; "my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos"
  1. verb - cause to move faster; "He accelerated the car"
  2. move faster; "The car accelerated"
  1. noun - (physics) a rate of increase of velocity
  2. an increase in rate of change; "modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change"
  3. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed
  1. adjective - tending to increase velocity
  1. noun - (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected
  2. a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas"
  3. a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles
  4. a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
  1. adjective - tending to increase velocity
  1. adverb - of a minor or subordinate nature; "these magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models"
  2. without advance planning; "they met accidentally"
  3. without intention; in an unintentional manner; "she hit him unintentionally"