Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1816 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Chicken Hawk
  1. noun - nontechnical term for any hawks said to prey on poultry
Chicken Kiev
  1. noun - pounded chicken cutlets rolled around butter (that has been seasoned with herbs) and then covered with crumbs and fried
Chicken Soup
  1. noun - soup made from chicken broth
Chicken Stew
  1. noun - a stew made with chicken
Chicken Taco
  1. noun - a taco with a chicken filling
Chicken Wing
  1. noun - the wing of a chicken
Chicken Wire
  1. noun - a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh; used to build fences
Chicken Yard
  1. noun - an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
  1. noun - a trifling sum of money
  1. verb - fight while sitting on somebody's shoulders