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16th April 2009, 15:13
I forgot to mention that sideboards are mentioned a lot in Shakespeares plays, and they are items from that time, in fact he left his eldest one in his will......
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16th April 2009, 15:15
........sorry, should have read "eldest daughter".......
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16th April 2009, 15:34
From my interpretation of the clue I came up with PORRINGER
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16th April 2009, 15:42
May I join in ?
If it's any help to anyone I have an answer for 94 which comes from the "extremes " of "two".Two being the Q number 2 in the Quiz .It's a dish and also, according to my Chambers Dictionary a headress shaped like a dish (Shakespeare).Look at the first three letters of Q 2 and the last word and put them together .
I am still stuck on two. Namely No 67 and the infernal No 19!
Am thinking Grates for 64 but I can't define it from the clue .
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16th April 2009, 15:43
How did you get that?
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16th April 2009, 15:50
Hi Top0sy,

Well done, I think you have it for 94. I've been back and forwards from that clue for ages, but couldn't fit anything together, which is how I went for the other "extreme". I couldn't reconcile "sou'wersters" any which way I looked at it.

You're right for 67. "In + grates" makes ingrates, unappreciatvie people.
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16th April 2009, 16:05
Pleased to be of help .I think I will go with Grates .I was thinking along the lines of unappreciative being something that doesn't grow, like your money not appreciating due to low interest rates .
Just one to do do then and I have Googled,anagrammed and read dictionaries until I am blue in the face .It's probably so simple but I can't see it !
I will pop back here . You all seem much more friendly and happy to help than another site I looked at .Good luck .
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16th April 2009, 16:13
Come back any time, especially if you get the answer to the dreaded 19!!! The trouble with only having a couple of answers to do is that you have nowhere else to go for a bit of light relief so tend to lose the plot a bit and try to make things more difficult than they are.

Thanks again for 94.
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16th April 2009, 16:25
I am wondering if no.19 is PLACEMATS i.e. Pal+ Mates (best friend) around (C)lose! Just a thought.
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16th April 2009, 16:32
I am wondering if no.19 is PLACEMATS i.e. Pal + Mates (best friends) around (C)lose. Just a thought!
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