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31st July 2010, 11:17
the 4 are also 4 down
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31st July 2010, 11:18
Good morning AJT - yes the connection is quite obscure , but the puzzle is quite nice again with some clever clues. I have been away but having looked back to spectator & mephisto threads, I am sad to see K has left us. Wasn't going to bother with the spectator this week(too many jobs on our return), but you all said it was easy, so I had a go and agree with you - I think it was the easiest one for a long while. Came back from hols to a parcel of a dictionary/thesaurus - first prize in independent cryptic puzzle!
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31st July 2010, 11:24
Hello Sudokulover - I'm very happy to see your name again - you should have said before you went away - got a bit concerned.
Yes, haven't we had drama - sorry K felt he had to go.
13 of 39  -   Report This Post


31st July 2010, 11:26
I'm stuck on the bottom left hand corner.
I'm guessing that 18ac is ?????STORIES, 16dn is ?????-LEG, and 17dn ends in BER. I suppose 21ac could be ALLEGORIC but I can't fit that to the clue.
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31st July 2010, 11:26
...and again S - congratulations on the prize!
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31st July 2010, 11:39
allegoric ego =i r for read inside (G) allic for french
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31st July 2010, 11:41
16d is a cut of lamb or mutton
24a men one mad without their leaders = group of nine
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31st July 2010, 11:44
Thanks Sudokulover. What a horribly constructed clue. No indicator that 'I' had to be translated into another language. Pasquale is clearly keen on his Freanch and Latin references in this one.
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31st July 2010, 11:55
If you're meaning "allegoric", Ron - it isn't translated into french. Gallic is n English word - no good, so allic. inside ego - I, start to read - r
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31st July 2010, 11:57
Finished it now!
I've never heard of 18 or 24 and I don't understand how 26 works.
I prefer Araucaria when he's on form......
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