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9th December 2009, 01:45
Thanks lingoking. Indeed I refer to helpful "souls" and not helpful "soles". Forgive me - the banality of previous comments has induced an intolerance. And such is the nature of his intolerance, that it has in turn (and sonmewhat paradoxically) elicited a linguistic blindness to the correct syntactical and grammatical forms. However, linguistic formalities aside, does anyone know the anwser to this clue........?
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9th December 2009, 09:53
Hi Alex.

At the high risk of seeming banal...

Concerning your last post "...does anyone know the anwser
to this clue........?"
, my answer is: "Yes".

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9th December 2009, 12:49
Perhaps that person would like to enlighten the rest of us!
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