Crossword Solution Wizard - Results

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75 Results Matching Words

Below are the words that matched your query. Please note that at this time the site does not search plurals.

  1. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Capricorn
  2. a victim of ridicule or pranks
  3. any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
  4. the tenth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about December 22 to January 19
  1. A goat.
  1. a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
  1. To leap; to caper; to romp noisily.
  1. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Hold, contr. from holdeth.
  1. See under Hunt.
  1. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
  2. a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)
  3. something of little value; "his promise is not worth a damn"; "not worth one red cent"; "not worth shucks"
  4. to utter a loud clamorous shout; "the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance"
  5. utter the characteristic sound of owls
  1. (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network
  2. (medicine) recipient of transplanted tissue or organ from a donor
  3. a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)
  4. a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
  5. a technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion
  6. a vast multitude
  7. an animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite; it does not benefit and is often harmed by the association
  8. any organization that provides resources and facilities for a function or event; "Atlanta was chosen to be host for the Olympic Games"
  9. archaic terms for army
  10. be the host of or for; "We hosted 4 couples last night"
  11. the owner or manager of a
  1. a sudden jarring impact; "the door closed with a jolt"; "all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers"
  2. an abrupt spasmodic movement
  3. disturb (someone's) composure; "The audience was jolted by the play"
  4. move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
  1. (golf) the backward slant on the head of some golf clubs that is designed to drive the ball high in the air
  2. a raised shelter in which pigeons are kept
  3. floor consisting of a large unpartitioned space over a factory or warehouse or other commercial space
  4. floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage
  5. kick or strike high in the air; "loft a ball"
  6. lay out a full-scale working drawing of the lines of a vessel's hull
  7. propel through the air; "The rocket lofted the space shuttle into the air"
  8. store in a loft