Crossword Solution Wizard - Results

Crossword Solution Wizard

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100 Results Matching Words

Below are the words that matched your query. Please note that at this time the site does not search plurals.

  1. A supposed metal alleged to have been discovered in 1845 by the Swedish chemist Swanberg in zircon. After many unsuccessful attempts to verify this new element, the element named Hafnium (atomic number 72) was discoverd in 1923 by D. Coster and G. von Hevesey in the zirconium-containing mineral zircon. Hafnium, present at 1 to 5% in many zirconium-bearing minerals, but difficult to separate from zirconium, is probably the element that gave rise to the properties attributed to the hypothetical norium.
  1. going without clothes as a social practice
  1. belief in a kind of sorcery that originated in Africa and is practiced in the West Indies
  1. The character or manners of an ogre.
  1. A genus of minute fungi which form a floccose mass of filaments on decaying fruit, etc. Many forms once referred to this genus are now believed to be temporary conditions of fungi of other genera, among them the vine mildew (O), which has caused much injury to grapes.
  1. The aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan to government is now usually funded.
  2. Track cycling race of several events
  1. Doctrines and rites of the Ophites.
  1. Hard dense silvery white metal.
  1. An opening; a passage.
  1. Affected wisdom; pompous dullness.