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21st November 2010, 11:02
'Sports' is the definition part of the clue; 'Sports' as in 'Wears'.
Editor first (letter) = 'e' in/enters fights/wars ~ W(e)ars.
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chummy mummy

21st November 2010, 11:20
15a cool or soul? any explanations please
3d why guides?
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21st November 2010, 11:33
guides=ide(fish) in gus(name);soul homophone for sole
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they get harder

21st November 2010, 11:51
Thanks JS. It's good to finish. I usually shrink from Compilers I've not met before.
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chummy mummy

21st November 2010, 13:21
Thanks mjp. My weekend is complete.
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25th November 2010, 02:34
Well, I'm a bit late getting to this one but I sure don't like this Bonky very much.

10A I have as 'desultory' but where does 'desu' come from?

And if someone would give me these: 15, 18, 16D, I would appreciate it.

And I would also appreciate it if the G improved their crosswords in general, I am getting tired of some of the rubbish and might go elsewhere.

And.... if someone really needs to post how easy it is, then wtf is the point?
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25th November 2010, 04:12
10ac Guardian = US; Journalist = ED(itor); returning = going back - so: DESU

15ac SOUL - sounds like sole (exclusive)

18ac SEA-L-Y-HAM

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26th November 2010, 12:54
Thanks JS, I appreciate it.
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