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30th October 2010, 23:08
up yours JimB! and less of the 'old'.
i've had all Campo's musings printed and framed,they hang in my bog-like a selfish suicide would-only far more more welcome and entertaining.
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30th October 2010, 23:22
Mr Hyde

Is Trevor there? I need to speak to him! He has some printed items hanging in a most inappropriate place and they need to be removed and forwarded to me under a plain brown cover

Signed My alter-ego
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30th October 2010, 23:34
over my selfish friends dead body.
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30th October 2010, 23:45

Hi, it's me. I can't believe you have any selfish dead friends but tell me, where is campo????

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31st October 2010, 14:29
Trevor, AJT, JimB et al.

Some of you know me, some do not, however, my visibility on this forum has been around for many months and it always raises a smile to see the old names back, and a frown when newbies start getting untoward and makes it somewhat cringe-worthy when , what is usually friendly banter, turns sour and black. Maybe it's just that time of the year. Have fun all, I'm just starting the old 'Caria as have been playing golf yesterday, followed by an evening of Wine & Wisdom, and today a lovely Autumnal Walk, visit to the pub, 3 real ales, lovely lunch and walk back home again, some 10 miles in total. Might need your help later.


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31st October 2010, 14:51

A welcome bit of sanity. You paint a delightful picture of idyllic bliss. Oh for an autumnal walk, oh for a visit to the pub, oh for 3 real ales, oh for a lovely lunch and oh for a walk back home again, and oh, if only I could walk some 10 miles in total.

Keep on trucking

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31st October 2010, 22:01
Well folky-dokes, no tricksters have paid us a visit this eve', which is good !

However, the crossword (although great in places) has me stumped in all but 1...
16A) Successive notes among followers in part exchange (B _ A _ E - _ N) BARGE ON / BRAKE IN / BLAKE IN / BLADE ON / I've no idea !!!!

Please help put me out of my misery.

(The crossword that is, not life !)

(Life is great, hasting to add!)

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31st October 2010, 22:02
It begins with a T PezB
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31st October 2010, 22:05
how about trade in.

successive notes DE with train around it.
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31st October 2010, 22:10

Of course it is...The USA had a couple of towers, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

Which would make that a conjoined downer.

Thanks muchly.

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