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25th March 2024, 00:16
I went i enjoyed this and completed it before I came here, which is unusual. I am less precise than Chrise but I was definitely put off by the wrong definition in 19A, I don’t think a theme forgives such a complete mistake - I don’t know the theme at all and am only defining it from the chat here
I have to throw a word in support of the dog in 12a, who provides some of the best TV for any age ever. Look for ‘Sleepytime’ or 'Camping’ - this is the Dickens of kid’s cartoons! I think all series are on Disney +, with only a (changing) selection on BBC IPlayer. I read that Disney considered changing the Darwin accents for US audiences but the original producers rightly said no.
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30th March 2024, 09:52
Morning, all - just to say I’ve been lurking around here and watching you comment. Some valid queries (particularly on KAA - I’m sorry for mis-speciesing him, but did so in the knowledge of what I was doing because the clue surface was delicious and I figured that the answer was clear when you had got it). More on FifteenSquared; hope to see you again sometime soon… maybe sooner than you think?)
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30th March 2024, 10:46
Thanks for popping in Hamish, always appreciated.
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