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14th October 2023, 08:50
Enjoyed today's challenge from Philistine, I found it fairly straightforward although like others I spent far too long on 21 - wrong sport!
Agree with Darla and Jono re 7 and again with Jono re homophone at 8.
FOI 1, LOI 21, COD 11
Thanks to all
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14th October 2023, 09:28
i confess that i didn't notice the problem with 7d - i just wrote in the answer from the definition (as with several others!)
i don't think 21 is fair, despite now understanding the parsing. why should "leader must go" apply to the second word rather than the first?
i'm still not seeing the parsing in 10a - no exchange, or even ex change. is the obvious answer wrong?
favourite loi 24a - took ages to realise what 3/2 referred to!
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14th October 2023, 09:34
Chris, I agree with you on 21, I forgot to say the same earlier.
10a is the obvious answer, it’s hidden. I’m sure there was a clue similar to this recently but I can’t recall where.
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14th October 2023, 09:40
still not seeing 10. jono. i can't find the right letters for a hidden!
for our overseas solvers, Lee Mack is a comedian frequently seen on UK TV. still a feeble clue, though!
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14th October 2023, 09:49
…hidden as two letters?
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14th October 2023, 09:55
ah! thanks jono
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14th October 2023, 09:55
Just finished after an interval.
Still cannot parse 10a despite hints.
21 doesn't seem to make sense apart from the def.
Disliked the homophone and why 3/2 in 6d.
Need more coffee
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14th October 2023, 09:58
oh. just had a PDM on 21
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14th October 2023, 10:07
jazzgirl - for 10a think of a different way of writing the number.
Not sure what you mean about 6d - are you referring to the right clue?
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14th October 2023, 10:11
21d - ‘sport’ is a verb and the synonym is 4,2. (I don’t share the reservations about the letter removal, but I’m not going to argue the point, especially as I have a problem with 7d that others don’t share!)
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