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30th September 2010, 15:38
Hi Helen - I really do sympathize with you. I too thought it was The Secret with Kalina and Azarenko, but not sure now about Azarenko but I think it uses up all the letters left after Smetana is removed. I've Googled and tried all sorts of routes but to no avail so now obviously very wrong. In my opinion, for what it is worth, smug eric should give you another hint if he thinks he knows the answer.
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30th September 2010, 15:43
Driving me nuts too now - Where is Eric?
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30th September 2010, 15:44

Helen asked at the start not to be given the answer. There's no need to be abusive because you can't work it out. I suggest you keep trying - only half-a-dozen or so operas left.

Regards, Eric
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30th September 2010, 16:15
Eric - I wasn't even attempting to be abusive unlike some of the users of this site, it's not in my nature, and I'm not even doing the quiz so no vested interest from me, just attempting, obviously unsucessfully to help Helen out of her frustration.
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30th September 2010, 18:02
As the heading says, this is a question from GBQ - where the quizsetter has specifically requested that his quizzes are not ruined by answers being given away on sites such as this. Correspondents to this thread may not realise the GBQ rules, but the "asker" definitely will. So, even though an answer was not requested in the initial "question", I think there have been more than enough clues to lead anyone to the answer. After all, some of us managed to solve it by our own hard work which is how GBQ should be (and that's not meant or intended to sound smug).
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1st October 2010, 07:06
BJ thats very rude to Helen and Jimbo saying there are enough clues for anyone to find the answer.
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george iii

1st October 2010, 09:53
Jimbo states "I'm not even doing the quiz so no vested interest from me"

Well thanks very much! A lot of people are and are trying very hard to find answers to a challenging quiz on their own.

Why answer questions blindly without thinking what kind of effect you may have on other quiz entrants?

"you can fool some of the people some of the time ................"

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1st October 2010, 12:48
Sue - I'm afraid there is nothing rude in my post. Perhaps you would care to elaborate as to what you think is rude? The plain facts are that the rules of GBQ state that questions must not be asked on Q&A sites - you are supposed to do the hard work by your own resources and not get someone else to give you the answers on a plate. Anyway, what enjoyment can anyone get from posting a question on a Q&A site and waiting for someone else to tell them (and the whole world) the answer? If you can't do a quiz, either don't enter in the first place, or find the answers yourself and have a guess or leave blank spaces for those you don't know (I can guarantee it's quite painless!).
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1st October 2010, 12:49
PS - and extremely rewarding when you find the answer(s) yourself!
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the judge

1st October 2010, 12:54
Oh dear, oh dear, BJ!
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