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8th March 2010, 02:59
but you already had that :-)
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8th March 2010, 08:06
Hi all
On the other thread baldi suggests 'OJO' is sub part of 23ac; this gives DOJO for 10ac as already suggested.
How about:
20ac DETHRONE - def = remove from power; sub is in 10ac - THE stupid = ETH; R = resistance; ONE = individual.

16d DIOXIDES - def = compounds; sub is in 6d - one (I); strong thing (OX); dies out (IDES)

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8th March 2010, 08:13
I've lost track - have you had "echo", for 2 d. Then 8 ac could be "discrete" for individual. Echo would fit your "dojo" was it? for 10 ac
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8th March 2010, 08:26
I like ECHO & DISCRETE - am going to 'look' for the subs for 'CHO' & 'ISCRETE'.

13d EPITHELIUM - def = tissue (membrane/tissue in body); sub is in 2d PIT HELIUM = coal gas?
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8th March 2010, 08:36
19d could be HECKLER - def 'one shouting down'; can't see sub for ECKLER though.

23ac could be DILL PICKLE - def 'it's preserved'; again can't see sub for ILLPICKLE yet.
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8th March 2010, 08:37
Then I think 23 ac (it's preserved) is dill pickle, and 19 d -one shouting down - is heckler. Haven't found the subs yt.
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8th March 2010, 08:39
yes - diseased child
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8th March 2010, 08:41
...and heckler is community left queen to support king - ec - k - l er
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8th March 2010, 08:45
12 ac - eocene - relating to a period?
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8th March 2010, 08:50
Great stuff AJT!

Pickle = mischievous child! Never come across that use before as far as I can remember.

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