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7th March 2010, 19:55
Anyone able to get a start on this one?
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7th March 2010, 20:24
I've looked at this a few times today - very difficult!!

A few thoughts which may or may not be anywhere near the mark:

16ac REWINDS - def = turns back; sub is in 11ac E(ast) Winds (Mah-jong points.)

5d RE-EMERGES - def = come again?; sub in 1d a quarter E(ast) tripled gives 'EEE' which consumes 'merg.

7d RELATE - def union negotiators (IE marriage guidance); ELATE sub is in 22ac - lift.

22ac RADISH - def is root; sub is in 7d a course.

22d REEFER - def is jacket; sub in 15ac 'on price that's been raised.

Think 9ac could be EDUCE - def maybe 'form'.that would give 6d as duplicated possibly.

In EDUCE I wondered if sub for DUCE could be in 18d - actor once = DUKE (John Wayne)foreign gives DUC with E(nglish)

But it's doing my head in to be frank!!

So 3 of the 4 letters could be R, E & D.
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7th March 2010, 20:26
Sorry - 5d just Re-emerge.

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7th March 2010, 20:28
Maybe Herd (drive) Like JimC's oxen
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7th March 2010, 20:31
thanks - gives me a foothold - couldn't get anywhere with it
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7th March 2010, 20:35
you are a genius.
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7th March 2010, 20:42
Baldi - far from it I'm afraid!!! But thanks anyway!
I like franc2's idea of H, E, R & D for the starting letters - will have another bash later.

Will look here again to see if there's any more progress!!
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7th March 2010, 20:53
Baldi - I'm with you - he is a genius and modest with it
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7th March 2010, 22:29
hi jack , GREAT WORK !! following your DUCE could 9A be EDUCE (go off)?
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7th March 2010, 22:58
some speculative answers for feedback

18D EASTWOOD - def american actor(may not hang because actor already used as part of def for EDUCE)- sub would be 17A two and sado(island)(clue says islands plural)

24A HOWL - def cry - sub 4D OWL
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