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6th October 2014, 12:42
26D is what you think it is. Think of score differently.
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6th October 2014, 13:49
Finished but not sure what the adjustment is. Is it anything to do with 9A?
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6th October 2014, 13:53
I've had it completed for hours but can't find the numerical adjustment - have been trying to substitute different numbers for one, ten (in various places) etc but can't find the trick ...
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6th October 2014, 14:40
I am also stuck on the endgame. A one-letter amendment to 16d gives a sort-of-thematic 2-word phrase (down) and the first 3 letters of a thematic word (across). But it has nothing to do with numbers really.

The only obvious number in the grid that I can see consists of the first three letters in the seventh column, but nothing seems to arise from altering them.
14 of 43  -   Report This Post


6th October 2014, 14:45
Oh. I think I was right first time. If I did, it's a little bit underwhelming.
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6th October 2014, 14:50
Barista, I think it's 16A/16D, as well. If you substitute one Roman numeral for another, you get two things which (by implication) don't happen at the same time, according to the saying (to do with Scottish 3D).

Or I could be entirely wrong. As I have been, many times...
16 of 43  -   Report This Post


6th October 2014, 14:56
I think I've finished this, including the endgame. But I have a fair few clues which I can't parse fully, and I seem to be missing one themed solution.

I won't ask yet, as it's early.
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6th October 2014, 15:02
(apologies if this appears twice - it wouldn't post before ...)
Yeah, I'm sure you're right, guys. Annoyingly, it's the phrase I started off looking for - prompted by 25 across, which it explains ...
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6th October 2014, 15:06
prospero, what do you have for 25A then? I have MAGNETIC, but can't entirely parse it and I don't see how it fits with the numerical swop thingy.
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6th October 2014, 15:08
It's OK - I see what you mean.
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