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4th February 2012, 20:30
Legalise is another anagram but it does not fit the definition.
11 of 27  -   Report This Post


4th February 2012, 20:31
a galilee may well be a chapel or porch in entrance to an english church, so what.

perhaps this explains it.....

pretty bloody obscure i'd say.
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4th February 2012, 20:32
So what?

It OF MINISTERS so fits the definition.
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4th February 2012, 20:39
if the clue was "minsters" it would make some sort of sense. the government ministers thing looks better otherwise.
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4th February 2012, 20:41
Thanks for all the suggestions
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4th February 2012, 20:46
I don't see why the use of ministers would not apply more to church ministers than to government ministers who do not actually legalise anything (parliament does). However it is up to the solver to see which fits the grid and make a decision. I merely offer my reading of the clue. The letters given seem to indicate other mistakes.
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4th February 2012, 21:15
Torque, the clue is (or at least is given as being)....

Falsely alleges,in front of ministers
8 letters........answer galilees.

galilees = chapels or porches in front of english churches. I think we agree on that,yes.

ministers (whether government or clergy) are people and it cannot be said that galilees are "of ministers". if the clue said "minsters" it just about washes, but it doesn't. The words "in front" in the clue really ought to be part of the def. in front of ministers(minsters) = galilees. that they are in front is too much of a coincidence. which leaves us looking for an "i". I'll bet you a virtual fiver that the clue actually says minsters. it's rubbish either way.

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4th February 2012, 21:16
Falsely alleges,in front of ministers

Answer is PRETENDS

(pre being in front and ministers = tends)
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4th February 2012, 21:22
Good evening berkspotter
If you google the clue, you will see that it has appeared in several publications, apart from the one on this thread. Ministers is used every time.

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4th February 2012, 21:25
Jazzgirl, Oh dear, please don't tell me that those in the know realise that "pretend" is actually the answer. I thought wendy solved it herself.
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