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30th March 2011, 16:43
Jill 98 Certain cards you hope to receive early in the year and I STILL haven't got number 39!!!!
221 of 348  -   Report This Post


30th March 2011, 16:48
Thanks twinsnan and perky. With 95 thought that but put off by the word "initially" in clue as that usually means first letter of words but can see how it works now. Also 98.Will have to see how that works too. Thanks a lot. Twinsnan 39 I have as others C W. Good luck. I actually got all correct on last one - first time in many years of doing it.
222 of 348  -   Report This Post


30th March 2011, 16:56
Twinsnan, not too sure of 39 myself looking at it again. It seems to be singular and my answer is plural. Sorted 98 now - could not see at first connection to armoured vehicles -but good old Chambers. You learn something every day! Must get some tea now and give it a rest. Thanks again. Might still have another look at 39 later.
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30th March 2011, 17:03
Thanks jazz and everyone for your help nearly there now .
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30th March 2011, 17:44
My last one - 45 I have an answer that fits 'brave dispatches' and is the right number of letters, but I can't make it fit the rest of the clue. Could someone give me a hint as to how this works, please? (or perhaps I have the wrong answer)
225 of 348  -   Report This Post

lady bee

30th March 2011, 17:50
calliewag - 45. is an anagram of last two words. Braves are Indians.
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30th March 2011, 18:35
Just 44 to do! But wish I understood my answer for 36 - where does straw hat come in? Why the problem with singular/plural for 39, it's just the best.
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30th March 2011, 18:36
So it is, Lady Bee. How did I miss that? Thank you very much - at least I have the right answer!
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lady bee

30th March 2011, 19:23
Bazza - try googling the two words of your answer to 36, either individually or together. You will find what you're looking for. In these quizzes, you should always be aware that seemingly simple words can have other meanings i.e. No.7. I remember an earlier quiz finding out that a tormentor also provided the answer to 'a long meat fork'.
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30th March 2011, 19:42
Bazza and all.....Like Calliewag I am so didn't we get it with all the emphasis on first word as someone told me earlier? Think I'm done now, must check spellings and send it off. See you in November.
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