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17th December 2010, 14:46

is the seasonal answer to do with walter?

Also when you add the letter to the across clues in grid b- is it in the word rather than at the end?

I presume you just knock the first letter off the other across clues?


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17th December 2010, 14:50
djawhufc - I replied on Answerbank
Can you help me with the bottom left corner in GRID B . I have some answers but don't really get the wordplay.
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17th December 2010, 15:32
djawhufc - I'm sorted now.
What a great puzzle. I couldn't leave it alone till I'd finished!
I have never heard of the seasonal work though!
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17th December 2010, 15:37

Always the same letter added - can be added anywhere
Always the same letter subtracted
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17th December 2010, 16:07
It is very difficult when you are tackling this puzzle to rid yourself of ingrained habits. I'm referring particularly to the "Across" and "Down" clue groupings. So, in 12A the word you get when you solve the first of the clues goes in grid A, but ends up as a "Down". In 2D, the answer goes in grid A, but ends up as an across. By the way, the first line of the second verse will be much more familiar to most people than the "opening line". Furthermore, in my book, these two cantos form a part of a larger threnodic opus. It's not a carol and has nothing to do with Walter, but did remind me of Jethro.
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17th December 2010, 18:01
Well done on finishing, I'm still confused.
The second part of clue 20a gives a letter count of 11 letters ! is this a typo?

Can anyone help with the wordplay for 3d (second part) - Beam capturing one no good leader of Iraqi
corps (10)

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17th December 2010, 18:05

20a not a typo - you need to remove a letter from the clued answer before entering in the grid

3D 2nd clue starts after "sign"
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17th December 2010, 18:09
Thank you ixion
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18th December 2010, 19:19
Could someone tell me answer to first part of 17A, that is, if it's not upsetting their moral probity?
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18th December 2010, 19:34
17A = INFLUENZAL Addressing complaint
INFLUENTIAL with Z replacing TI
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