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Genus Episcia
  1. genus of tropical American herbs having soft hairy foliage
Genus Gloxinia
  1. small genus of tropical American herbs with leafy stems and axillary flowers
Genus Kohleria
  1. genus of tropical American shrubs
Genus Saintpaulia
  1. east African herb with nodding flowers; widely cultivated
Genus Sinningia
  1. genus of perennial tuberous herbs and shrubs of Central and South America
Genus Streptocarpus
  1. large genus of usually stemless African or Asian herbs: Cape primrose
Genus Hydrophyllum
  1. waterleaf
Genus Emmanthe
  1. one species: yellow bells
Genus Eriodictyon
  1. small genus of evergreen shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico
Genus Nemophila
  1. genus of ornamental chiefly California herbs: baby blue-eyes