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7287 Results

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Genus Argyreia
  1. woody climbers of tropical Asia to Australia
Genus Calystegia
  1. climbing or scrambling herbs: bindweed
Genus Cuscuta
  1. genus of twining leafless parasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll: dodder
Genus Dichondra
  1. genus of chiefly tropical prostrate perennial herbs with creeping stems that root at the nodes
Genus Ipomoea
  1. morning glory
Genus Gesneria
  1. large genus of tropical American herbs having showy tubular flowers
Genus Achimenes
  1. genus of tropical perennial American herbs
Genus Aeschynanthus
  1. large genus of East Indian ornamental woody epiphytic plants
Genus Alsobia
  1. tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Episcia
Genus Columnea
  1. genus of tropical American subshrubs and lianas