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back again 5 ann 15th January 2011, 21:08
» by sobes
Times jumbo 907 2 harry 15th January 2011, 21:04
» by trevor
Times Jumbo 907 Normal clues 3 mahambu 15th January 2011, 20:57
» by mahambu
daily record crossword help 2 anne 15th January 2011, 20:53
» by anne
cryptic clue 2 steve 15th January 2011, 20:44
» by les40
Times 24747 4 jim 15th January 2011, 20:41
» by theambler
crossword 907 stuck on clue 19 4 buzzy 15th January 2011, 20:36
» by buzzy
Times 24747 4 rmleake 15th January 2011, 20:31
» by theambler
times cryptic 24747 7 sallyw 15th January 2011, 20:26
» by mary
Times jumbo cryptic 907 10 ac and 46 d 2 mary 15th January 2011, 20:11
» by chald
Cryptic clue 2 condlin 15th January 2011, 20:04
» by terry
Times 24747 almost there! 2 smiffy 15th January 2011, 19:44
» by caro
Times jumbo 907 1 sarah 15th January 2011, 19:37
» by sudokulover
irregularities in flow 7 down 3 times 907 15th January 2011, 19:36
» by sudokulover
Belfast Telegraph 2 barney 15th January 2011, 19:23
» by ab
7 down ...flows 1 times 907 15th January 2011, 19:13
» by ab
DT26,450 2d 2 jumbo 15th January 2011, 19:08
» by jumbo
gk dt 1 gilly 15th January 2011, 18:53
» by ab
Times Jumbo 907 46down 3 gwen 15th January 2011, 18:03
» by gwen
DT 26,450 6a and 7d 4 ash 15th January 2011, 17:59
» by ash
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