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9th October 2010, 16:01
Thanks ixion and I am originally from that part of the world (hangs head in shame).
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9th October 2010, 16:03
No, Ixion. , not with that one. I liked 24ac - and 9ac. I downloaded this at midnight, dropping with sleep, did a few, and then woke early to finish it.
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9th October 2010, 16:03
lol - its a good place to come from!
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9th October 2010, 16:06
AJT - I immediately saw(in the wee small hours also)15D as "throttle" which gave me a few problems
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9th October 2010, 16:14
I can`t relate the whole of the clues to the (my assumed!) answers to 4 Dn; 11 ac; 18dn and 21 ac.

Grateful for any hints!
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9th October 2010, 16:19

18D is straightforward double definition - (small)breed of dog and old type of ledger

11a - old word for advise inside (a)frica
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9th October 2010, 16:22
4D - faerie is the definition part - the spanish(el)

21a - the pupil can be called this of the eye
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9th October 2010, 16:24
4D: word for "the" in Spannish with part of the word of present day belguim

21A: think computers and not PCs
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9th October 2010, 17:13
IXION & NEIL: Grateful thanks! I had got them all (mainly because there were`nt many options!)But I`ve never heard of ELFLAND and didn`t know the dog was a type of register. I still don`t see what "jobs here" has to do with 21 Ac...or "old people`s advice" with 11 Ac. (I had amERICA as the continent. Must be losing the plot!
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9th October 2010, 17:17
rede is an archaic word for counsel, advise
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